Tuesday, January 30, 2007

High-Tech Tolkien

I love the works of great writers like C.S. Lewis and Tolkien (all one has to do is look at my shelf to see that) and I can't help but feel like we have a little in common with these men. Apparently they used to sit around and smoke pipes and simply talk. Talk about religion, theology, the books they were writing, life in general. They talked. I think this kind of interaction is so so so healthy and good, and perhaps we are accomplishing it in a small and impersonal way by creating this blogging ring. I like the thought that we are High-Tech Tolkiens, Cyber-C.S. Lewis'.

In fact...I may just have to start smoking a pipe while I'm blogging.


rachel joy said...

dude...i'm all about smoking pipes...except that i don't actually smoke one, but really want to try it for the very reasons you mentioned. that's why i have yerba matte i suppose.

Delvenator said...

ok, so apparently i was logged in as my wife....doh.
she's not so interested in the pipe smoking thing.

Scotty Werdal said...

Really...cause Rachel shot way up on the cool meter there for a minute.

rachel joy said...

... and then I went crashing down again? :(

jerlight said...

I like the smell but I've heard it can be an exercise in frustration to keep the *@##*@! thing lit.
Maybe we should take it to a whole new level and try sheesha (yea, I don't know how to spell it!).