Wednesday, May 30, 2007

When Life hands you Lemons...take the peel and squirt the citric acid back in Life's Eyes!!!

Sometimes thats how I feel....over the course of the last few days I have felt that way numerous times. I got handed a card yesterday...a card I really didn't want, but it's all mine. It's the card I need to have,makes my hand me a winning hand really, even though for the last week and a bit I have been wearing a poker face. Yesterday I was relieved of my position in the Student Ministry of the Evangelical Free Church. We came to an agreement in the afternoon and made the official announcement to our students last night. It was hard...this whole thing has been hard, but I have an all powerful Father who is in control, a wonderful, beautiful wife who has stood solidly by my side, a truely amazing and supportive family who has encouraged and prayed for us, and one little bundle of joy who has no idea what's going on... and this makes me smile every day. What are we doing and where are we going is anyones guess...

...Avast me Harties.....YO HO!!!!