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I am no good at this. I am good at doing it when I do it...but consistency has never been my friend. Ah should be a real treat when someone drops by for a visit.God has given me amazing friends. This I know. Real, true, life-long, life-changing friends. They are His gift to me, and I am thankful.
Paul Zalinko. Paul is one of these friends. Paul and I weren't so close at first, but now I am truly blessed to count him as one of my dearest brothers. Recently we had a chance to hang again and it was so good. Paul is one of those guys who you can trust. I value that about him. Paul is trustworthy. If Paul says something you can take it to the bank. When he is into something you can know that he is 110% committed. He loves Landcruisers. He loves Jesus. He loves his wife and kids. He is the kinda guy that seems real serious, but is always up for a goodtime. He is a shining example of a father, husband, son and friend...and most importantly someone who desperately wants to live like Christ. I admire and respect Paul. I love to laugh with and at Paul. I enjoy spending times of deep conversation with Paul...and lets face it...the not so deep has been great too.I have learned much from Paul and look forward with great anticipation to the next time we hang together.
Dan Bidne. Dan is an interesting one. Dan has so much to offer, and I think we only see just the tip of the iceberg. Dan is a gifted musician. Dan loves bees. Dan has the most random sense of humor, yet he always makes me laugh. Dan is steadfast in his convictions. Dan never gives up. Dan is committed to his friends and family. Dan is white....really white. One time Dan had some kind of armpit infection. Dan pursues Christ with his whole life. Dan has NO other God's before Yahweh. Dan has a nice truck. Dan and I used to lay awake for hours at night, not arguing but not agreeing, always stretching one another...or perhaps even sharpening. Dan is another guy who I recently had the privilege of spending some hours with. We laughed, joked, had moments of reminiscing and agreed that it has been way too long since last we enjoyed one anothers company. I like Dan. I think he is a great guy, and hope and pray that he can continue to discern the Lord's leading in his life. There are big things in the works for Dan, and he is on the cusp of what I believe will be the next great chapter in his life.
Thomas Hamilton. Thomas has an amazing memory. He fills it with all kinds of useless stuff, like movie quotes and Mortal Kombat combo's that all mix together to make him one of my favorite people in the world. Thomas and I became friends in the midst of tragedy, but have cemented our relationship in pure joy. Thomas is someone who really cares. He is genuine and unselfish. He is kind and I believe finally at peace with himself. Our friendship has not been without its difficultiank you Ges, however, time and maturity have brought us close. But not too much maturity. We still love Homer Simpson. We still play Nintendo. We still laugh at "potty-humour". We still laugh with each other. Time and distance have not been able to separate the bond we share. I had the privilege of introducing Thomas to a guy named Jesus. Though Thomas has not found a church he has enjoyed, he loves Christ and I hope we can have many more conversations about our Savior. Thomas helps me remember how great it is to be a kid...and will soon have one of his own, and he will surely be an outstanding Father.
Brian Satake. Brian loves toys. He has an amazing collection of the action figures. Brian loves the 80's. So, his toys really reflect that particular decade. He has Transformers, He-man, Jem, Alf, and a few I have no idea about...but his true collectible greatness can be found in his Star Wars memorabilia. I would like to think that I can take some of the credit (or perhaps, blame) for getting him going on collecting...but I really believe it was always a part of him. Brian makes me laugh. He see's the world like no one else I have ever met. Brian moved far away a long time ago, but I still get regular calls from New Zealand, and I love it. Brian also comes and visits at least once a year. In just a few weeks I hope to see him again, and this time we both will have our daughters to share in the "madness". Brian is generous and fun-hearted. I always feel accepted when we hang-out. There is no judgement or expectations placed upon our relationship...we simply like one another and have goodtimes. Brian has reminded me time and time again that playing is good. Brian makes me smile and I value him deeply.
Tim and Andy Sorensen. Two closer brothers I challenge you to find. These guys set the bar high as it relates to brotherly love, and I have learned much and sought to apply much to my relationship with my own dear brother. They are the very best of friends. I am privileged to be counted as one of theirs as well. Brothers who are so good at so much, naturally gifted in many ways and hard working enough to develop those gifts to a level few ever achieve. Though we don't stay in as close of contact as we should, times of reunion are never awkward and always good.
Steve Geiger. To me, he is a model of persistence. Steve loves camp ministry, Qwanoes in particular. For many years they took him for granted, but he never gave up seeking to prove to them how much he is worth. I believe now they know, and Steve has achieved much through hard work and prayer. There was a time that I too did not appreciate Steve. I took him for granted. Did not see how truly great a guy he is. Steve is humble. Steve is loyal. I think Steve is great. It saddens me to think that there was a time I did not appreciate him, but am glad that he is my brother. We have shared many laughs. Steve is just that guy who will always be there when you need a friend. There are a lot of people out there who think Steve is pretty sweet. How fortunate am I that we are friends. I really do love Steve. Steve gives great hugs. Steve has a great laugh. Steve see's life though a great lens. Steve and Christ and tight, and Steve has given up a lot to follow Jesus. I admire Steve, the humble servant that he is. I like that guy.
Russ Phillips. It has often been said that people don't know how Russ and I ever became such great friends. I don't know how people see us as being so different. I consider Russ one of the best people I have ever known, and someone who knows me better than most ever will. For all our apparent differences we are very similar. We have laughed, cried, rejoiced, lost, fought, won, bled, sweat and paid the price together. I have too many Russ stories to ever count. I have walked the paths of this life with him by my side for a good long time, cherish every stride and anticipate a great many more to come.My friends, for whom I will always be thankful for. These guys have been amazing to me. I have been reading about the relationship that David shared with Jonathan. God really blessed those two boys with something special that few ever get to experience...and I feel like each one of these guys has been a Jonathan to me. David and Jonathan made a covenant with each other (1 Samuel 18:3) because they loved each other each "as himself". I truly believe that is the bond I have been given with these men, and I dearly love them each. How great is it that we shall all spend eternity bound by this friendship. I am blessed. Thank-you guys. Thank-you God.