Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Prayin' for the P's

I wish we still had kings...it just sounds way sweeter to have a King than a President...and WAY sweeter than a Prime Minister...one word or two? King just sounds so regal...so...manly. I serve the KING...not...I serve the Leader of the Conservative Party. Regardless of whom we serve, we are called to pray for them, and Paul clearly tells us why in this Passage from 1 Timothy.

1 Tim 2:1-4

Basically, Paul is urging us to pray for everyone, especially the leaders among us, because of the blessings that this will bring from a God whom we learn here is eager to save all.

Interesting to me that Paul breaks down our prayers for others into four categories: requests, prayers, intercessions and thanksgivings. At first I wondered where confessions fit into the picture, but it seems to me that Paul is not urging us in our personal prayers, but rather our prayers for others, which I know for myself often fall to the wayside. It is easy to pray for me, I know me and like me and want to best for me. I can easily be lead to be a selfish pray-er, but here Paul is urging us to look around us and pray for everyone we have the privilege of knowing...and for some that is a pretty extensive list. Interesting that Paul points out authority figures in particular (Kings and those in authority over us). I find it easy to dichotomise my allegiance. I serve God, love God, respect and fear God...and not a lot of other people. Perhaps this a symptom of the rebellious generation I come from ("F" authority and all that good stuff), or maybe more likely it is simply a by-product of my sinful nature. I have always had a bit of a problem with authority and find it somewhat "cool" to dis it, escape it and mock it, but Paul is showing us here the importance of praying for authority figures in our life, meaning that they should hold a place of importance in our lives, leading us to pray for them. And, it should be pointed out that the goal/pay-off of prayers for our leaders is that we may live peaceful, quiet, godly and holy lives, lives that are good and pleasing to God...sounds pretty good to me.

Even though it is fun to stick it to "the man" once in a while...

Thursday, February 1, 2007

Apparently, Blasphemy is a Blast

Sid just emailed me an interesting link to a story ABC News recently covered concerning the "Blasphemy Challenge (check it out yourself at http://abcnews.go.com/Nightline/story?id=2833103&page=1)

Apparently this group of athiests, who feel as though they are the "last group that it's OK to hate"...oh the martyrdom. They are a group of people that see their job as being to fight God. They have started what they call the "Blasphemy Challenge", encouraging athiests to come out of the closet and show that they are not scared of the unforgivable sin (Mark 3:29).

I YouTubed some of the videos, and its pretty sad. What are all these people doing??!! And what is the appropriate Christian response. Im not really thinking this is going to be a major movement or even really make much of a mark on the Christian community in general...my concern is for these people. How as a child of God should I pray? Obviously that others don't fall for Satan's ploys, but what of those who have already blasphemed? And what is the unforgivable sin all about?

My mind wonders if this is true blasphemy, of if most of it is simply a cry for attention. Perhaps a rebellion against authority (they do seem to be targeting young teens, as most of their advertising is done on websites catering to that age-group, the most given to rebellion). It is interesting to me the number of Christians who recant on their faith as well. Very strange.

So again I ask...how are we to pray for those who have taken the challenge. Are they done? Are they beyond hope? And what should be our response. I find myself wanting to make a YouTube video simply stating how much I love Jesus and believe in the reality of his life, death and resurrection.

And I don't really think thats what the creators of the Blasphemy Challenge had in mind.

Grace and Peace to you all